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Cannes - Grand Prix / Outdoor Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility
Cannes - Silver / Outdoor Special Build
Cannes - Silver / Media
Cannes - Bronze / Creative Strategy
One Show - Best in Discipline / Direct
One Show - Gold / OOH / Experiential & Installations
One Show - Gold / OOH / Innovation & Transformation
One Show - Gold / Direct / Innovation & Transformation
One Show - Gold / OOH
One Show - Gold / Branded Entertainment
One Show - Gold / Creative Effectiveness
One Show - Bronze / Creative Effectiveness
Clio - Grand Clio / OOH
Clio - Silver / Experience & Activation
Clio - Bronze / Direct
LIA - Grand Prix / Ambient & Activation
LIA - Gold / Billboard / Corporate Image/Social Awareness
LIA - Gold / Billboard/ Innovative use of Billboard
LIA - Gold / Non traditional
LIA - Silver / Media Innovation
D&AD - Wood / Press & Outdoor
D&AD - Wood / Impact
D&AD - Shortlist / Media
D&AD - Shortlist / PR
D&AD - Shortlist / Creative Transformation
New York Festivals - Gold / Avant-garde/Innovative
New York Festivals - Bronze / Outdoor
Andy - Gold / Idea
Andy - Gold / Reset
Andy - Best of Region / Europe
Golden Drum - Grand Prix / OOH
Golden Drum - Gold / Engagement, creative use of media
Golden Drum - Gold / Best of Covid-19
Eurobest - Grand Prix / Media
Eurobest - Grand Prix / Outdoor
Eurobest - Gold / Brand Experience & Activation
Eurobest - Silver / Outdoor
Eurobest - Bronze / Outdoor
